Bathing In Moonlight

by Rory Siegel
Bathing In Moonlight
Rory Siegel
Photograph - Photograph
A freshly watered Gerbera Daisy bathes in the moonlight of a warm summer night!
TOP FINISHER in the Flowers In The Sky Contest, August 2012.
TOP FINISHER in the Greening Contest, August 2012.
August 14th, 2012
Comments (46)

Rory Sagner
Thank you Ana Julia....as a true Moon Child, I can see why you would relate to this one...guffaw!

Rory Sagner
A good reminder right about now, lol! Thank you so much Gun! I love your newer avatar...beautiful photo of you!!!

Gun Legler
Wonderful Rory, a beautiful reminder of spring to come with its beautiful color and light!

Rory Sagner
Thank you so much Ana Maria. As I am a huge fan of your paintings, I really appreciate your comments!

What a splendor this photo is, Rory. You've captured so well the beauty of this flower. Superb light and colors. f,v

Andrew Govan Dantzler
I am a fellow member of ‘ Up close and personal’ and I am just taking a quick run though to vote your FEATURED work. Voted … Elaine

Marie Gale
What a great image Rory...the amazing light is a real star here...love the editing too! v/f!
Rory Siegel replied:
I really appreciate your comments Marie! I am glad that you mentioned the lighting as that was primary for me in working with this image! thank you!

Joan Jones
Rory, this is stunning, a real "looker!" What I especially like is the reflected pink in the greens, and the vivid blue-into-black bkgrd.! (Thanks for visiting my work, thereby giving me thechance to see yours.) You may want to put some of your work on my "Hearts and Flowers" group page.

Rory Sagner
Wow Sandi, you made my day!! Thank you for featuring "Bathing In Moonlight" in the Beauty Of This World Group!!!