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Effervescence III  Photograph by Rory Siegel

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Comments (8)

Rory  Sagner

Rory Sagner

Thank you so much Sandi for featuring "Effervescence III" in the Beauty Of This World group! Seems like the perfect place for this beautiful creature!

Rory  Sagner

Rory Sagner

Thank you so much Everett, for featuring "Effervescence III" in the Why Not Group! I really appreciate the honor!

Joan Carroll

Joan Carroll

wow....this is quite an image! V!

Rory Siegel replied:

Thank you Joan! I always appreciate your comments!

Carl Rolfe

Carl Rolfe

mystical, your obviously an animal lover:)

Rory Siegel replied:

They are some of our greatest teachers if we pay attention, yes? Thank you for all of your wonderful comments!

Xueling Zou

Xueling Zou

Yes, I love the sepia color too! What a fun bird you captured, so interesting:)! Thank you:)!

Rory Siegel replied:

Thank you Xueling! It is a mystical looking being!

Priya Ghose

Priya Ghose

Beautiful job, Rory! I'd love to see a white peacock someday :-). fv

Rory Siegel replied:

They are just awesome creatures! Thank you Priya!

Bob and Nancy Kendrick

Bob and Nancy Kendrick

Oh my! What a lovely portrait of a lovely bird! v/p

Rory Siegel replied:

When I first beheld this vision, I was transported immediately to the land of fairy tales...which I read voluminously for many years. Thank you!

ChelsyLotze International Studio

ChelsyLotze International Studio

This is very unique, I like it!

Rory Siegel replied:

Thank you very much! Amazing creature!

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Effervescence III  by Rory Siegel
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