Magic Kingdom
by Rory Siegel
Magic Kingdom
Rory Siegel
Photograph - Photograph
"While there is perhaps a province in which the photograph can tell us nothing more than what we see with our own eyes, there is another in which it proves to us how little our eyes permit us to see."
Dorothea Lange
Stopped off on my way home from a two day caregiving stint to visit with these amazing creatures feasting away in a forest of beautiful blooms. Could not tear myself away for nearly an hour! What a healing!
Here is a little information on these amazing beings:
Bombus vosnessenskii.
The Yellow-faced bumble bee (Bombus vosnessenskii) is a handsome bumble bee mostly black with a yellow face and pro-thorax and narrow yellow abdominal band. It occurs in the western states of California, into Nevada, Washington, Oregon and into British Columbia. It does not seem to have been affected, in decline, like the formerly widespread Western Bumble Bee (Bombus occidentalis).
September 9th, 2013
Comments (15)
Rory Sagner
Thank you very much Jeff...and Happy New Year. I've really enjoyed seeing your new additions!
Rory Sagner
Grateful thanks to Bob and Nadine for featuring "Magic Kingdom" in the Artist News group and online publication.
Nadine and Bob Johnston
Thank You for Submitting your Artwork.... Liked the subject, description, technique, composition, and color... So Today it was Published in the Internet publication ARTISTS NEWS.... YOU or Friends Can use Ctl-C to copy the link: and Ctl-V to put it into your the Browser Address bar, to view the publication. Then, Tweet, FB, and email, etc a copy of the publication, to just anyone you feel would be interested. Happy Promoting! :-)
Rory Sagner
That is such a lovely comment Ana, because it is exactly the sense I always hope to convey in my work... the "Oneness" as I call it. I believe that consciousness is the key to healing all that requires it in our which we are so often barraged by the illusion of separation. Thank you!