Now What?
by Rory Siegel
Now What?
Rory Siegel
Photograph - Photograph
"Uh what do I do?"
"In the midst of winter, I discovered that there was in me an invincible summer."
Albert Camus
The love affair continues with these froggies! There were four of them on the porch this morning and they sing us to sleep every night! Sunday evening my sweetheart said, "you should come and look in the kitchen." I walked in and there was a small green frog sitting on the kitchen breadboard!!!! We don't have the foggiest as to how he got into the house! I never knew that frogs were so friendly!
September 18th, 2012
Comments (19)
Rory Sagner
Have not kissed him yet Jolanta...and he wants your phone number!!! (Guffaw!) Thank you for the lovely compliment!
Jolanta Anna Karolska
This must be a voice sing your heart out froggie! Great shot...did you kiss it Rory?? f/v
Rory Sagner
Thank you so much Lois....I have gotten very fond of them too this year with all the amazing interactions with them on my porch!!!
Lois Bryan
Awww .. so cute ... I adore froggies ... beautiful markings on this guy!!!! Great capture!!!! f/v
Rory Sagner
I really think these little ones ARE posing for me's uncanny what they do! This one almost looks like he's about to bi-locate...guffaw! Thank you so much for your comments!
Joe Schofield
Pairing good art with proper titles is an art unto itself. :) Love this! v/f/t
Rory Siegel replied:
It IS a challenge sometimes, lol! I ask for divine intervention...guffaw! Thanks so much Joe. Naming this one was easy because I think so many of us have "been there."
Rory Sagner
What a lovely way to start my day....finding out that you featured "Now What?" in the Stop Time With Art Group! Thank you so much Jose!
Rory Sagner
Hi Maria! Thank you very much for featuring "Now What?" in The Photographers Cafe Group!
Rory Sagner
Thank you so much Cory for featuring "Now What?" in the JOY Group! It's an honor and this little guy is basking in his glory...guffaw!!!
Madalena Lobao-Tello
CONGRATULATIONS!! Featured on Female Artists - Creative Women!!! Great artwork, love how you have done this!!!
Rory Siegel replied:
Oh Madalena, thank you so much for featuring "Now What?" These little ones just love being in the spotlight...guffaw!!!
Patricia Strand
What a cutie! I agree that he does have an expression, and it's such a sweet capture.
Rory Siegel replied:
I thought so's like I could just hear him thinking, "yikes....where do I go from here?" Thank you so much Patricia!
Lenore Senior
I love this! The frogs are soooo cute! I also love the soft background. This could almost be a microphone, in which case you could title it "Karaoke Night!" lol. v/v
Rory Siegel replied:
I thought about that too Lenore...mostly because they do sing to us at night and even during the day at times. Funny little creatures...and so amazingly social! Thank you for you lovely comments!!