The Art Of Watching
by Rory Siegel
The Art Of Watching
Rory Siegel
Photograph - Photograph
Miss Annie Banannie sits quietly, but completely alert, watching every movement that occurs in the backyard. Is she lost in thought or simply fascinated by the soft movement of the daffodil wishes swaying in a late morning breeze? I watch her watching...and a sense of peaceful alertness pervades my being. We are the Now!
TOP FINISHER in the New Logo for Our 4-Legged Friends Group month of May Contest, April 2013.
February 27th, 2013
Comments (43)
Rory Sagner
Thank you Hazel! I know....our animal friends can teach us a LOT about what is really of value in life.
Doris Potter
Such a beautiful portrait of a gorgeous cat. She reminds me so much of a lovely Calico I rescued as a teenager.
Rory Sagner
Thank you so much Mariola for featuring "The Art Of Watching" in the Our 4-Legged Friends Group! It's a pleasure to meet you!
Zsuzsa Balla
My best wishes on you and yours dear Rory! Happy Easter! Annie Banannie enjoys the holiday for sure. I LOVE her. Hugs to you and her.