Ghost Cat

by Rory Siegel
Comments (23)

Rory Sagner
Michel you never cease to make my heart smile. Thank you so much for your warmth and loving support! I too love this drawing...and had a whole series planned which I have not yet gotten around to...but someday.....!

Michel Verhoef
Fantastic drawing in every way...the crop...the mood...the style...a great Sagner !!!

Antonia Citrino
Rory, like your drawing!!! v/f
Rory Siegel replied:
Thank you very much Antonia. I appreciate you taking the time to look at some of my work!

Marian Hebert
Love it! voted
Rory Siegel replied:
Thank you so much Marian...much appreciated. One of these days I will get the rest of this series done!!!!