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Snowbell Making Friends Photograph by Rory Siegel

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Comments (4)

Natalie Holland

Natalie Holland

Snowbell is a her! V/F

Rory Siegel replied:

I will give her your she can preen some more..guffaw! Thank you!!!

Rory  Sagner

Rory Sagner

Thank you so much Jose for featuring "Snowbell Making Friends" in the Stop Time With Art group! It's a wonderful honor!

Gothic And Crows Art Photography

Gothic And Crows Art Photography

Love this beautiful kitty and I the love this image!

Rory Siegel replied:

Thank you so much for taking the time to explore a bit in my galleries. This seems to be one of those images that I absolutely love, but that has not gotten much notice by others. So, I really appreciate you noticing!!!

Xueling Zou

Xueling Zou

Lovely cat capture, gorgeous expression with a sweet feeling! Thank you!

Rory Siegel replied:

So glad that you like it Xueling! This kitty was so outgoing, loving, and goofy! I just could not stop taking pictures of her!

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Snowbell Making Friends by Rory Siegel
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